
Archive for July, 2009

Crappity Crap Crap

YIKES! What are you dooooing... ooooh let me get the camera to document this for the internet!!!!

YIKES! What are you dooooing... ooooh let me get the camera to document this for the internet!!!!

Interesting location, Teddy...

Interesting location, Teddy...

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I apologize for being so behind with the posting lately.  I’ve been relying on facebook a little too much to keep everyone up with what’s going on… so here is a little July 4th update for those of you all who aren’t on facebook.



We took the kids to our neighborhood bike parade.  I think I spent an hour perfecting the ridiculous bike stroller and push car thingie decorations, only to walk in a parade that lasted about five minutes.  Jack wore his grumpiest pair of grumpy pants and acted pretty ridiculous, yelling at fellow parade participants to, “Get outta here!” “That’s MY Mommy!” and “It’s MY turn.”  We finished the parade and lined up for our free popsicles and Jack declared, “I don’t wanna popsicle!”   Okaaaay then.

Teddy is just about fed up with the whole picture-taking thing.

Teddy is just about fed up with the whole picture-taking thing.

That night Grandpa and Grandma Z came over for s’mores (and would you believe neither of them had ever had them) and the festivities.  We lit a fire in the chiminea, roasted our marshmallows, caught fireflies, played with glow stick/necklace thingies (my $1 find at Michael’s… biggest hit ever), played with sparklers (aka sprinklers in Jack-speak), watched E set off some puny and rather stinky fireworks and later on after Teddy went to bed, Grandma Z, E, Jack and I walked down the street to watch a neighbor set off some pretty amazing fireworks.

master marshmallow roaster

master marshmallow roaster



It was probably one of the best 4th of July celebrations I’ve ever had.

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